How to lay landscape fabric correctly

If you are interested in purchasing landscape fabric to maximize the use of landscape fabric without harming your plants, please read this article carefully.I will introduce how to lay landscape fabric in different scene,such as before plantingand after planting.

I will introduce how to install landscape fabric before planting.

(1)Measure the area:Measure the garden area with your tape measure to determine how much landscape fabric and many fixed nails you’ll need to buy.For example:If your garden is 3-foot width and 10-foot length,the area is 30 square meters.It’s a good idea to buy a little extra, so you have enough fabric to fold underneath the edges.

(2)Remove existingweeds and pack them into leaf waste bag.

You’ll need to clean up theentire garden area before installing your fabric.Either pull up those weeds roots by hand or hoe.It’s a good idea to use an herbicide,but you’ll need to wait at least two weeks before installing the fabric.Then you need pack weeds into leaf waste bag.You don’t want to install your landscape fabric over a mess!

(3)Level the ground addcompost

Once the planting bed is clean of debris,use your garden rake to spread the soil and level the ground.It’s the best idea fertilize the soil before laying landscape fabric,because you won’t be able to access your soil for a while once you have installed your landscape.

(4)Install the Landscape Fabric andhammer in the ground nails.

Finally,it’s time to install the landscape fabric. First of all, it’s worth nothing that laying the landscape fabric in the natural state. Can’t be roughly tear, which will shorten the service life of the landscape fabric.Secondly, remember that in the first step we bought extra size of grass repellent cloth, folded extra fabric at the edges, and fixed with nails.We recommended using one every 1-1.5 meters.

(5)Plant crop

Now you can use a knife to cut out the appropriate size of the root system for your plant and plant crop into the soil.Without weeds competing for nutrients, your plants are sure to thrive.

Now I will introduce how to install it after planting.Our industry provide landscape fabric with holes and you can customized the size of holes in need.Don’t forget buy a little extra!

Post time: Oct-27-2023